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Can't Find a Job Abroad? Here Are the Top 5 Reasons

Starting to feel antsy because you can't find a job abroad? Ana and I get it—searching for a job in another country often feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack.... while blindfolded. It's not as simple as sending out hundreds of job applications and hoping for the best. You're up against locals who know the game better and have home-field advantage.

Now, if you're sitting there thinking, "Why can't I land a job abroad?", don't be too hard on yourself. It's not you. It's the circumstances. Job hunting is challenging even locally, and it gets tougher the further you stray from home.

But don't worry, this blog post isn't here to discourage you from going after your dreams. Quite the opposite! We're going to explore the 5 most common reasons international job seekers can't find a job abroad so you can tackle them head-on. Knowledge is power, right? By understanding these challenges, you'll be better equipped to navigate this tricky terrain and land that job abroad sooner rather than later.

Ready? Let's explore the five most common hurdles standing between you and a job abroad.



5 Most Common Reasons You Can't Find a Job Abroad

There are many nuances in everyone's job search. But if you're looking for a job abroad, these nuances boil down to five main reasons why you might be finding it tough to secure one.

Here are the five most common reasons expats can't land a job abroad:

  1. The job market abroad is too competitive. You might be competing with millions of equally skilled candidates who have the advantage of being local. Alternatively, a high unemployment rate could also make it hard to compete with locals.

  2. You must know the local language fluently, so language skills are a barrier to entering the job market abroad.

  3. The only way to land a job in the target country is through networking. Simple online job applications don't cut it, because local connections are the main job search strategy in your desired location.

  4. There are significant cultural differences you should adapt to. Some cultural nuances may be visible even through resumes and emails, so you'll need to adapt every step of the way on your job search journey.

Let's dig deeper into all these reasons and explore actions you can take to move the needle in your job search and get a step closer to the right job opportunity abroad.


Reason #1: Job Market Is Too Competitive.

Looking for a job in a foreign country can be challenging due to various factors. One of them is targeting a too-competitive job market.

If you're planning to move to one of Europe's expat hubs, like London, Amsterdam, or Berlin, you gotta understand that global cities also attract the global talent pool. That means that when you apply for jobs in these locations, you aren't only competing with locals but also with skilled professionals from different parts of the globe.

Employers in these locations have the luxury of choosing from a diverse set of candidates with varying backgrounds and experiences, and they often choose only the top 1% of the most outstanding candidates. This can make it more difficult for some foreign job seekers to stand out and land a job in a competitive market.

On the other hand, a high unemployment rate can also make the job market incredibly competitive, even for locals, let alone foreigners. Countries like Spain and Greece, with an 11% unemployment rate in 2023, struggle with economic instability, leading to fierce competition for available positions.

Where to expect this challengethe UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Greece

How to tackle competitive job markets

  • Keep applying. Your job search success may be just the numbers game. So, the more applications you submit, the better the chances you'll get an interview that will open doors to a job abroad.

  • Expand your network. Connections are an advantage that local candidates have compared to candidates abroad. By building your network, you can access opportunities that otherwise wouldn't be available to you. (Keep reading, we'll share more on networking in a second.)

  • Go beyond online job applications when looking for jobs abroad. Explore seven underrated job search methods that can help you stand out and land a job abroad faster.


Reason 2: Local Laws and Regulations Hinder International Job Seekers.

Local labor laws, work permit restrictions, and other work-related regulations pose significant challenges for job seekers looking to work in another country and simply work in favor of local candidates.

To keep this fully transparent, some countries may simply prefer local candidates instead of foreigners because they don't have to go through the visa and work permit-related hassle.

For example, the UK used to be a relatively easy country for foreigners to get work in. After Brexit, the situation took a dramatic turn, so now most job seekers from abroad get automatic rejections as soon as they fill in the questionnaire declaring they don't have the legal right to work in the UK and require sponsorship. It's just a hurdle to keep in mind and be prepared for.

Where to expect this challenge → the UK, Switzerland, Austria

How to navigate local preferences and regulations

  • Explore local regulations and preferences. Do your research and adapt to cultural differences regarding etiquette in the job market.

  • Research visa and work permit requirements. Make sure to know what's expected in terms of visas and work permits.

  • Apply for jobs at international companies. International companies, especially corporations with multionational presence, are more experienced with hiring talent from abroad. Plus, they might be more open to sponsoring your visa or work permit.


Reason #3: You Must Know the Local Language.

I bet you've already googled, "Can I land a job in X country with English," or "Can I work in X without speaking the local language."

It's a fact: Language skills play a crucial role in securing a job abroad. Understanding the language requirements provides valuable insights into how language proficiency influences hiring decisions and impacts your hireability in your target location.

For example, countries like France, Hungary, and Finland often require a high level of proficiency in their native languages for many job positions. On the other hand, most Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Denmark place a strong emphasis on English proficiency due to their multilingual work environments.

Where to expect this challenge → France, Hungary, Italy, Finland

How to improve your language proficiency

  • Start learning the language. (This tip is a simple and obvious one.) If your target country or type of job you're after requires fluency in the local language, take proactive steps to improve your language proficiency.

  • Immerse yourself in the language and culture through language exchange programs, online language courses, or language meet-up groups. Get language certifications that can validate your language proficiency levels and boost credibility in job applications.

  • Don't give up! Ana and I have both landed jobs with only English in non-English-speaking countries (Poland and Hungary). The markets are changing and there are lots of opportunities for international talents. The right opportunity is waiting for you, so keep going.


Reason #4: You Need a Local Network.

Networking is often touted as a key factor in landing jobs, especially when looking to work abroad. In some countries, knowing people is the best—if not only—way to open doors to job and career opportunities. (You can typically expect this in smaller, tight-knit countries.)

For example, in places like Italy or Greece, where personal connections often carry more weight than formal qualifications, having a well-established local network can significantly enhance your job prospects. It's not uncommon for job vacancies to be filled through word-of-mouth referrals or recommendations from within the professional community.

If we zoom out of Europe, in countries like China or Japan, where business culture places a strong emphasis on relationships and trust, building a network of trusted contacts is essential for gaining access to coveted job opportunities. In these cultures, the concept of "guanxi" (a Chinese term meaning relationships) and "kizuna" (the Japanese term for personal connections) play a pivotal role in career advancement.

Where to expect this challenge → Italy, Greece, Croatia, Sweden, Norway

How to build a network abroad

  • Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars both in person and online. These gatherings offer excellent opportunities to meet professionals from different countries and establish meaningful connections.

  • Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Meetup, and Xing to connect with professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers worldwide and expand your professional network beyond geographical boundaries.

  • Join industry-specific groups and participate in online discussions. This can help you expand your network and showcase your expertise to a broader audience.

Want to improve your networking skills? Explore networking tips for expats and learn how to build a strong network in another country.


Reason #5: You Must Adapt Your Job Application to Local Standards.

Most job application best practices are universal worldwide. But, some countries make their own rules. Tailoring your job application to local standards is crucial for success when searching for a job abroad.

For instance, in Germany, you might need to submit a lebenslauf. Literally translated as "a course of life," a lebenslauf is an *overwhelmingly* detailed document, often spanning 10 pages or more, that outlines all your educational background, work experience, skills, and personal information. (Author's note: It's not common in all industries, but it's commonly requested for jobs in academia.)

Also, in some countries, resumes with photos are standard practice, while in others, they're a big no-no. Plus, in countries like France, Spain, and Italy, you might need to submit your resume in the local language, otherwise, it may be overlooked by employers who value fluency in the native language as a crucial skill for the role.

Where to expect this challenge → Germany, France, Spain, Italy

How to adapt your job application to local standards

  1. Research local application norms. Before applying for jobs in a particular country, familiarize yourself with the local standards for CVs, cover letters, and other application materials. Websites, forums, and networking with professionals in the target country can provide valuable insights.

  2. Customize your application materials. Tailor your CV and cover letter to align with the expectations of the local market. Highlight relevant experience, skills, and achievements in a format that resonates with employers in the target country. Pay attention to language, tone, and formatting to ensure your application stands out.

  3. Seek feedback from local contacts. If possible, reach out to professionals or mentors in your target country for feedback on your application materials. Their insights can help you fine-tune your approach and increase your chances of landing a job.


The Big Question: Where Can You Most Likely Find a Job as an Expat?

Okay, we've covered the most common reasons aspiring expats can't find a job abroad. We also shared some of the countries where you can expect these hurdles. Now, the big question is, where in Europe can you actually land a job as an expat?

Some countries are simply more expat-friendly than others. So, if you'd like to make the whole job search journey easier for yourself, start here:

  • The Netherlands: While the job market might be competitive, with its expat-friendly policies, the Netherlands is open to expats and might be a great country for finding your first or next job abroad.

  • Luxembourg: 47% of its population are foreigners. With such a big and thriving international community, Luxembourg offers lots of opportunities for expats seeking jobs in finance, technology, and other sectors.

  • Ireland: Known for its welcoming atmosphere and vibrant economy, Ireland attracts expats from around the world and offers opportunities in industries like tech, finance, and healthcare.

  • Portugal: With its pleasant climate, affordable cost of living, and growing job market, Portugal is increasingly popular among expats looking for job opportunities in sectors such as tourism, technology, and renewable energy.

Curious about other expat-friendly destinations? Explore the list of 10 best European countries and industries for expat women.


TL;DR - The 5 Most Common Reasons You Can't Find a Job Abroad

Feeling frustrated because you can't find a job abroad? We get it—finding a job is hard. Finding a job abroad is 10x harder. Here are five most common reasons you can't find and land a job abroad:

  1. The local job market is too competitive, making it hard to stand out.

  2. Local laws and regulations hinder international job candidates and work in favor of locals.

  3. You must know the local language fluently, so language skills are a barrier to entering the job market abroad.

  4. The only way to land a job in the target country is through networking. Simple online job applications don't cut it because local connections are the main job search strategy in your desired location.

  5. You must adapt your job application to local standards. Some countries simply make their own rules. Tailoring your job application to local standards is crucial for success when searching for a job abroad.

Remember, finding a job abroad is challenging but not impossible. With the right strategies, perseverance, and (lots of) patience, you can land your dream job in Europe and beyond. Keep at it. Your opportunity will come!

Matilda Patsou and Ana Colak Fustin, founders of MoreThanCareers

Matilda & Ana

Hi there! We're Matilda and Ana — the founders of MoreThanCareers, expats, international corporate recruiters, and HR professionals with 18+ years of combined HR experience. Since 2018, our career-building techniques, tools, and resources have helped over 500 coaching clients and 8,000 individuals worldwide land new, more fulfilling, higher-paying, and career-changing jobs.

Now it's your turn. And MoreThanCareers is here to help!

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